Monday, July 21, 2008

Lucky Ducks

Someone was holding up traffic at the Southfield and 696 intersection this morning. That's not unusual. But this particular commuter was, you could say, 'show-stopping.'

I saw a lot of Loony-Tune-worthy double takes as my fellow commuters, one by one, snapped out of their trances and spotted one Jemima Puddle Duck and her ducklings marching steadily, in zig-zag fashion, through the backed-up cars.

Though I much enjoyed the break from mundanity, seeing them flattened would have ruined my day.

Dear Miss Puddle Duck,

Please consider my fragility, the next time you decide to live so wrecklessly. I have two references in particular I think you should peruse.

1) Google Maps
2) Robert Frost

The first source will provide you with a search box, inside of which you should tap out the following key words, "The road LESS traveled." It comes highly recommended by Number 2, and MOI.

Very best from your fellow commuter,

Miss Ive

Please feel free to comment and add your own words of wisdom for Miss Puddle Duck. Miss Ive will forward.

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