Monday, November 3, 2008


I never talk about politics on this blog. It's not because I do not care about them. It's not because I'm apathetic. It's the opposite, really. It's because I'm overwhelmed, generally, by the subject.

It's also because I have been cursed with a horrible case of empathy. I can almost always see the 'other side' of every argument. It's crippling. It's easy for me not to judge. But it can be difficult to make a decision.

I'll be honest. I've voted for the same party in every election since I turned 18. I genuinely felt strongly that I always would. I had completely internalized one party's ideology. Don't we all do that these days? WE ARE OUR PARTY. We don't vote for a candidate anymore. We vote for a life philosophy.

And then I had a random telephone call Friday, around noon, with a good friend who has always voted for the 'other party.' And we are good friends because we never judge each other.

But he said something that made me rethink how I vote. And it shocked me. So much that I barely said two words throughout the course of the phone call and for the rest of that day. He wasn't trying to persuade me. He was just expressing a deep sadness over the state of the election and casually stated something I've heard the 'other side' say millions of times. But he said if differently. And I had what some (Oprah) may call an 'Ah Hah' moment.

I'm impressed with myself for being capable of changing my mind. It makes me feel malleable and green. It makes me feel like I haven't packed it up and called it quits, intellectually.

And it makes me think I'll now get even less sleep tonight than I had planned.


Miss Undecided


Brian and Becky said...

I already voted, via absentee - and already regret one choice. Not the president - I have have been confident in that for ages - but the other, less known candidates on the ballot. What I learned is, they all count - that we need to learn about all of them - regardless of party affiliations, as much as we can - and don't take any one source of information as "enough".

Tomorrow I will be a precinct worker - from 6:15am until goodness only knows. I think it is going to be a great experience and I am excited to do it.

Good luck on deciding.

Anonymous said...

well, if you need help on deciding a book to read, I suggest a collection of F.Scott Fitzgerald's short stories.