Monday, November 10, 2008

A Requisite Litany of Apologies

Well all, we're back. The larks have landed. Though I had intended to close the site today for cleaning (read: a full-day bath for Miss Ive), I have decided that it may be the best thing to get a jump start on apologies, considering that the extensive list of offenses committed this weekend in Chicago is so long, this theme could dominate the site until the New Year. Easily.

Though I have recently sought the advice of legal counsel and learned that an apology is in fact an admission of guilt, have decided to take a chance.

Today, I would like to apologize to the city worker from whom I wrangled a (still running) rototiller, under the guise of being "a country girl who grew up pushing one through fields." That was, perhaps, a mild exaggeration.

Though, in my defense, the bit about the "county girl" was true. Which means that one would assume that the city worker would have the edge in the "street smarts" department. Right?

Not so in this instance. Let's call this installment an 'apology' with a gratuitous 'public service announcement.'

To all Chicago workers (or rototilling operators the wide-world over), if a girl with a wine-stained grin asks politely if she may try her hand at said apparatus, in a very tiny and difficult to navigate city flower bed, no matter how sweet or scantily dressed she may be, do not agree. Under any circumstances. Especially if you value your feet.

And that's all I'm saying at this time. Per the above referenced legal counsel.


Brian and Becky said...

Fabulous. Although, I will say - I think he rather was amused by the antics.

The Suzzzz said...

I'm so proud!