Thursday, November 20, 2008

C.K. Dexter Haven

My favorite scene from one of my favorite movies of all time.

"Oh C.K. Dexter Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaven."

"Champagne is a great levelerrrr. Levlerrrr."

Brilliant, and sweet and terribly romantic, considering it's two men, talking about one woman.

Philadelphia Story. Go watch it. Fantastic.

Oh, and raise your hand if you think this chick should have run off with Stewart rather than Grant.

Miss Ive: Hand raised. He's more "yare," if you ask me. Also, if history books are correct, less likely to snort lines of coke. Just sayin'.


rings90 said...

Nope ~ Grant all the way ~ I know Grant was a little off the deep end later inlife, but still Grant all the way, There's something about his one liners that thrills me more than Stewarts antics. As always a good sparring partner wins in my book.....

K.G. said...

Ahh! Still laughing out loud from Jimmy saying with great astonishment: "C.K. Dexter Haven, you have unexpected depth!"

Never seen it, but will obviously have to watch it.

Though I agree with rings... Cary Grant all the way. Need to go find clips to prove myself... will post evidence on my blog, just because I can... actually, I don't know if I can,since I have never tried to post clips there... but I will try -- such is the strength of my conviction in this matter.

K.G. said...

Ha! See what self-righteousness can do? It can cause you to rapidly pursue the technology to post counter blogs in defense of Cary Grant. Please visit
to witness the demise of Jimmy Stewart.

K.G. said...

So self-righteous I don't even type the right link, in fact!
