Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Hot Little Hands

Remember when I posted about Ayelet Waldman and her much talked about New York Times essay about sexually repressed mothers? (No matter how I describe her essay, I greatly reduce it to one flattened-out theme. It's much more. Read it. You'll see.) Well, she wrote. And, I wrote back. And we went back and forth enough times that I felt bold enough to mention our girls' trip—our adventurers' renaissance. I told her we were filming and asked if she would like to be present, in any form. A note, a letter, a word of advice for rookie moms. And guess what she did? GUESS? She mailed me the manuscript to her new book, not out until this May.

I have been racing home every night, running straight to the mail box. And tonight, it came.

This post will be short and sweet, as I have already cracked it (it really made that crackling sound, really) and turned randomly to page 17. And the very first three sentences on the page knocked me out. Am so excited. I'm dying to share, but have to get the green light from the venerable author.

Feel very privileged to have her trust. Would not want to break it. After all, have to keep some secrets for May. Will check in and report back. Hate to tease. Not really. Love it.

Can't even give away the title yet. And it's very bold, like Ms. Waldman.

Hmmmmmmmmm. . .


Anonymous said...

hhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . ..

rings90 said...

Sounds WAY better than what I am currently having to read ~ The Script for the Elves & the Shoemaker ~ Its a Musical with this Stranger than Strange snowman chorus poppin gin & out throughout the story.. It's just not right, I'm only through the first 2 pages & am wondering what the playright was smoking while writing this.... I mean really snowmen in the Elves & the shoemaker?... Hopefully the Anne of Green Gables script is WAY better...