I swore I would never post about this crap. I did. And now I am. But just to be clear HOW MUCH IT ALL BORES ME, know that I am eating an apple as I write. Like Costanza, that's how casually bored I am about dirty, black-hat SEO's and marketers. I think that's what they're called. Again, casually bored with the subject all together.
I just got an email from an SEO asking me, very nicely, to write about his client's product, and include certain searchable keywords in the copy. In return, I would be paid with product. Wanna know what it was? I'm not going to say the words. Not because I'm shy. Rather, because I don't want any more SEO's or marketers finding that word on my site and getting all excited that I'm willing to talk about it and offer me MORE product. Let's just say it's a ring, of sorts, that men might use to enhance their fifth appendage. Don't even get me started on the 'visuals' they included in the request.
Seriously? Seriously? I'm just curious, do I look like the type of person who might use such a product? Furthermore, do I look like the type of gal who would keep a man around who NEEDS such a product? I don't. I can assure you.
Sorry, couldn't resist.
And, yes, I'm a rookie. I've had a blog for three-ish months. What do I know? I write what I want and about what I like. And in my short stint, I have accumulated a fairly long list of other girlie bloggers who do the same thing. And some of them do it really well. And some of them get paid really well to do it. And some of them earn LOTS OF MONEY for the people and products about whom they CHOOSE to write. But here's the thing. The day they write about something for which they do not have genuine passion, people will stop reading. PERIOD. And parasitic marketers and SEO's (that give the good ones a bad name) will have no place to stalk.
I think this is the first post I've ever written about something I don't like. And remember, very casual, eating an apple, letting my nails dry and all that good stuff.
Here's a crazy thought. Maybe the Internet is like real life. Just maybe. And maybe people aren't stupid. Just maybe. So please take the time to know your audience, and market appropriately. Keep 'stupid' out of my inbox.
Back to the apple.
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