Monday, September 29, 2008

National Cool Hand Luke Day

Most of you know I grew up with all sisters—in the woods. Boys were an enigma. Years of sex ed classes and dating didn't clear it up, either. And then I saw this movie.

And I started to get it.

Cool Hand Luke—the original Fight Club.

I am unspeakably sad about the loss of Mr. Newman.

Cool Hand Luke made me get IT. The impossible internal fight every man faces between remaining unbroken and surviving.

And now I get it when a man looks like this~

And it makes me sad. This movie—a MOVIE—has given me a place in my heart for the fact that most men in our world live everyday doing this for THE BOSS.

But this movie—a MOVIE—has also given me the boldness to declare today as National Cool Hand Luke Day. Wanna know what that means?

It means that today, you have to put the boss away. It means that today, you are to look into the eye of the storm and give it your worst, whilst donning your very best Luke grin.

If you're an ad man, tell your ridiculously conservative client to step aside and let you do what you do well. If you're a brand man, don't talk about your brand. Scream it from a rooftop. Are you with me? If you're a politician, turn off the teleprompter and tell us what you really think.

And then, come back here and tell us about it. Help me get over my Paul Newman blues. I'm not joking. Do it. Please.

Am off to boil 50 eggs. Don't think I won't.


The Suzzzz said...

I've never been one for celebrities. Can't stand gossip magazines or people who cut out photos of their favorite actor/singer/band/etc and plaster their wall with them.

I've never had any desire to seek out or meet celebrities, and on the occasions where I've had to work with or deal with celebrities/sub-lebrities, I almost always wish I hadn't met them in the first place.

Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward are the exceptions. I grew up watching old movies (Dad was born in 1922 and his father was an early screen actor). When my friends were ooohing and ahhhing over Johnnie Depp and the latest hot thing, I was watching Cary Grant, Gregory Peck, and Paul Newman.

I have always hoped that I'd have the opportunity to meet PN someday, but I guess that won't happen now. By all accounts he was a great man and the world is poorer for his loss.

The Suzzzz said...

Sir Boyscout and I agree that Paul Newman should have been in a movie where he played God. Not only that, we think that Robert Redford should have been in that same movie, but playing the devil.

Made someone will be able to make it in CGI out of clips from all their movies. It wouldn't be the same though.