Monday, August 18, 2008

Pint-sized Genius

I'm at the computer yesterday.

Does that surprise anyone?

My two sons are playing behind me.

Oldest (6) says to youngest (3), "You're a baby."

But I only half hear it.

If you have kids, you'll get this.

And youngest says, "Not a bee-bee. NOT!"

And oldest says, "You ARE a baby."

And the cadence relaxes me. And I tune out.

If you have kids, you'll get this.

And I am interrupted by oldest saying, "Mom?"

And I say, "Yes, doll?"

And oldest says, "Isn't Max the cutest little baby?"

And I smile and turn, and my spell is broken, and I say, "YES! He is the cutest little baby!"

And oldest turns quickly to youngest and says, "SEEEEE. Mom says you're a baby, too!"

Fecking brilliant. Must sharpen wit to spar with six-year-old.


Anonymous said...

He could rule the world someday with wit as sharp as his.

John Johnson

E. Fatale said...

Little Will: world dominator and malicous manipulator.