Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dancing Badly and Publicly

My friend Becky is coming to Chicago in search of the Lark with me. We have also decided to film the trip. Why?

So we can show it here, of course, and so you all can see just how very cool we are. Planning for the trip involves several conversations in which the girls involved attempt to visualize exactly how this 'coolness' will play out.

Becky and I have spent a lot of time choreographing our dance moves. She is, hands down, the resident expert at the Elaine Dance. That intimidates me. So I've been trying to bring my game up a notch. Maybe some Eighties vintage moves? The sprinkler? The Roger Rabbit?

But Becky, being the fantastic friend that she is, has gone out of her way to reassure me that stellar dance moves are not necessary to achieve film stardom.

She posted this clip of Jennifer Aniston dancing off stage while watching John Mayer play.

And she was right. I do feel much better. Much, much better.

Not that I could ever love Aniston less for her ineptitude. Really. It only makes me love her more.

And to prove it, we'll be dining at her favorite Chicago restaurant after we find the painting. And maybe we'll drink enough wine to dance badly in her honor. Though, if you watch the clip, the restaurant will have to offer buckets-full-of-wine to achieve the same effect.

And on a similar note, as long as we're making fun of 'moves' and ex-Friends cast members, you all should know that my sister, who is also coming, will be doing her very best Phoebe 'run' when we hit the pavement Saturday morning.

If anyone would like to talk her out of it here and now, I encourage it. Watch the 'Aniston dancing' clip again. That should cure her.


Brian and Becky said...

I feel like a super star. I have been blogged about with not only Aniston...but your sister.

May all Lark Lurkers be in awe.

Anonymous said...

Well she may have fabulous hair, but she dances like a tweeb (and WHAT is she wearing???). To use a quote from Friends, It's not just bad, it's so bad I want to stick my finger through my eye, into my brain and swirl it around.
Sorry girls, there's no amount of booze that can make me dance like that.
As for your sister, despite Miss Ive's plea I highly encourage her to run Phoebe-style. Flail those arms!

The Suzzzz said...

Phoebe style running is very liberating, but dangerous, so be careul.