I had a conversation over the weekend that hit on these two topics: winter and women shaving their legs.
As you can imagine, the discussion debated the frequency and, even, necessity of the latter whilst the the former was underway.
Ladies? Thoughts? Confessions? Any more or less likely if wearing tights as opposed to nylons? Consider the definition of 'smooth legs' loosely defined by either: sans hair OR hair-so-long-it-lays-flat? Find that you need an intermediary device when the time comes to 'come clean?' Hedge clippers?
Gentlemen? Thoughts? Preferences? True sasquatch sightings?
Due to the sensitive nature of this topic, I will not be offended if comments are posted anonymously.
And if by chance you are a person in the know regarding Miss Ive's winter-razor-weilding frequency, please, God, let this be a very busy work day for you. Will absolutely understand if you are unable to post. Not that it matters, as Miss Ive is relentless in her winter grooming. Fastidious, you might say.

Team Sasquatch!
Lady Furbie
I shave when Sir Boyscout shaves, which is more often than I really have time for, but what the heck.
In the winter I find trousers helpful or floor length, prairie style skirts. What the rest of the world doesn't know won't hurt them.
"Man-scaping" (as I do) as well as a WOMAN having a "smooth tuna" is the hot way to go! Maybe sasquatch should shave her legs and not stop until she hits her eyebrows! Just sayin'.... Do what you want.
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